Par Liette Monat, MBA, Ph.D.
Votre cible peut considérer que :
Il est possible que votre cible :
Demandez à votre cible ce qui la fait réagir à vos honoraires. À partir de ses réponses, vous serez en mesure de répondre aux vrais obstacles, de lui proposer des solutions appropriées, et ainsi, de conserver sa confiance.
Ce faisant, vous diminuez la valeur de votre contribution à ses yeux et vous attisez sa méfiance. Vous aurez une relation d’affaires fragile et coûteuse.
Consultez notre livre Ne vous arrêtez plus au ROUGE!, Éditions Yvon Blais, Thompson Reuther, 2010. La version anglaise : Go Beyond The Red!, 2011
© Tous droits réservés. Liette Monat. 2022
by Liette Monat, MBA, Ph.D.
• Ask them for the level of detail they want to see on their bill. Your "IT" constraints should not dictate your billing model.
• Keep them informed of changes in fees: at the start, during and at the end of the project. Take the initiative to announce the possibility of cost overruns during the project.
• Agree with your target on the billing process and payment terms.
• your resources are too qualified in relation to their needs;
• the quality and expertise of your resources do not justify the fees requested;
• the proposed work plan is too complex according to their needs;
• the work you have already done for them entitles them to discounts;
• the gap between your proposal and that of your competitor is intriguing.
• do not have the required budget or are uncomfortable justifying your fees to management or must comply with governance rules;
• seek to remove you from the project;
• do not understand your invoicing process, or the nature of the work you do.
Ask your targets what makes them react to your fees. From their answers, you will be able to respond to real obstacles, offer them appropriate solutions, and thus maintain their confidence.
In doing so, you diminish the value of your contribution in their eyes and you arouse their mistrust. You will have a fragile and expensive business relationship.
© All rights reserved. Liette Monat. 2022
Consult our book Go Beyond The Red!, Éditions Yvon Blais, Thompson Reuther, 2010. The French version: Ne vous arrêtez plus au Rouge!, 2010